July 2003 Newsletter
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July 2003 Newsletter


Monday, July 21, 2003

Hello All;

The 2003 Vines-Keeling Family Reunion was a great success!  We are looking forward to 2005 for our next event.  In the mean time, please accept the Official results of the Vines-Keeling Stipend Fair.  And let us continue to support and encourage the children to set and achieve higher goals. 

 Thanks to all who helped with the logistics at the Reunion. Namely, Gloria Henry, Forest Keeling, Georgetta Wallace, Roger Vines, Jr. and Diamond Vines.

 Special thanks to the Vines-Keeling Stipend Fair donors: Bill and Terri Vines, Charles and Terry Vines, Quennon and MaryAnn Coleman, Evelyn Carradine, Earline Keeling, Lottie Rose, John Runnels, Lucinda McNeal, Joseph Runnels, and Maceo and Doretha Keeling.   

 I want to make everyone aware that we did have some extra Tee-Shirts and Tank Tops that need to be purchased to keep us whole.  The price is $15 which includes shipping.  Here is what we have in Tee-Shirts and Tank-Tops.

  Size                Tee-Shirts         Tank-Tops

---------               ------------              -------------

 XXL                       1 ea                 none

   XL                        5 ea                11 ea

 Med                       none               4 ea

 Please send your Order Form(below) and check or money order payable to:

Charles Vines

3101 Camerosa Circle

Cameron Park, CA 95682-7709

 I will ship via USPS 2 day delivery once I receive your payment.  Thanks in advance for your continued support. 


 Charles & Terry Vines

(530) 677-9349


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 -------------------------------ORDER FORM----------------------------------------


Name:_______________________   # of Tee-Shirt ___ or Tank-Top __  

Address:_____________________       Size_____                Size_____                     






2003 Vines-Keeling Stipend Fair Results




The results are in for the 1st Vines-Keeling Stipend Fair!!! The Fair was held at the 2003 Vines-Keeling Family Reunion at Kenneth Hahn Park in Los Angeles, CA.  We had 12 categories, 13 participants, and 11 participants in attendance. As the rules stated, the winners had to be there to win and won in only one of the categories.


The Categories for the 2002 / 2003 school year are……



Vines-Keeling Stipend Award



Award Amount:

# of



High School Award

Highest High School overall GPA

8th – 12th




English Award

Highest English GPA and achievement

1st – 7th




Science Award

Highest Science GPA and achievement

1st – 7th




Math Award

Highest Math GPA and achievement

1st – 7th




Reading Award

Highest Reading GPA

1st – 5th




Computer Skills Award

Best computer skills: email, programs and overall knowledge

1st – 12th




Art/Music/Medicine Award

Show of Artistic Display and Medical Interest

1st – 12th




Art/Music/Medicine Award – Runner up

Show of Artistic Display and Medical Interest

1st – 12th




Sports Achievement Award

Sports achievement

1st – 12th




Sports Award – Runner up

Sports achievement

1st – 12th



Special Projects

Special Projects Award

Award for special projects in all of above categories, community, or extra-curricular activities

1st – 12th




Special Projects Award – Runner Up

Award for special projects in all of above categories, community, or extra-curricular activities

1st – 12th



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And the Winners for the 2002 / 2003 school year are……


Vines Keeling Stipend Fair – High School Achievement Award.

Chauntel Nicole Riser is the big winner of the High School Achievement Award.  Chauntel is the 3rd great granddaughter of Lewis Keeling. She won this year’s award with an impressive 3.857 overall GPA for the entire school year. Her accomplishments include: Ranked #2 out of 818 ninth grade students at Martin Luther High School; top student in her Spanish class with a 103%; Honor Roll for all 3 semesters; scholar athlete award recipient for maintaining a 3.5 GPA or higher while participating in a sport; League Champion of the Sunkist League; and Wolf Pack Pride Trophy recipient. Congratulations to Chauntel and her parents, Tim and Vicki Riser.


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Vines Keeling Stipend Fair – English Achievement Award.

 This award goes to Tiffany Riser. Tiffany is the 3rd great granddaughter of Lewis Keeling and Chauntel’s younger sister. She is in the 5th grade and received straight A’s in the 4 grade periods. She ranked 1st place in her class and received a medal for top honors with a 98.6 average. Tiffany won 1st place in a short story writing contest in her class and 2nd place out of 75 students. She won 1st place for poetry and received a certificate for competing in the speech meet. Congratulations to Tiffany and her parents, Tim and Vicki Riser.



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Vines Keeling Stipend Fair – Science Achievement Award.

 This award goes to Joquel Marie Vasquez. Joquel is the 4th great granddaughter of Lewis Keeling. Joquel is in the 4th grade and receive A’s and B’s throughout the 2002 – 2003 school year. Unfortunately, Joquel could not attend on Saturday and did not receive the monetary award. Her grandmother, Lottie Rose, received the Vines-Keeling Certificate. Hopefully, Joquel will keep up the grades and participate in 2005. Congratulations to Joquel and her parents, Jose and Rachael Rose-Vasquez.


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Vines Keeling Stipend Fair – Math Achievement Award.

 This award goes to Kamilah Monique Leathers. Kamilah is the 3rd great granddaughter of Lewis Keeling and Cipual Vines. She is in the 4th grade and received A’s, B’s and C’s throughout the 2002-2003 school year. Congratulations to Kamilah and her parents, Barry and Connie Leathers.



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Vines Keeling Stipend Fair – Reading Achievement Award.

 This award goes to Jelani Earl Leathers. Jelani is the 3rd great grandson of Lewis Keeling and Cipual Vines and Kamilah Leather’s twin brother. He is in the 4th grade and received A’s, B’s and C’s throughout the 2002-2003 school year. Jelani attributed his reading success to hard work and practice. Jelani’s 1st cousin, Justin Michael Pikes, is shown below with Jelani, obviously anxiously awaiting his turn at one of the Vines-Keeling Stipend Fair awards. Congratulations to Jelani and his parents, Barry and Connie Leathers.



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Vines Keeling Stipend Fair – Computer Skills Award.

 This award goes to 9th grader, Zetorah Korena Vines. Zetorah is the 2nd great granddaughter of Cipual Vines and Lewis Keeling. Zetorah was 2nd in the High School Achievement Award with a 3.6 GPA. She wins the Computer Skills award for achievement for her skills with email and computer programs. She uses her computer every chance she gets. In addition, Zetorah was on the Principal’s Honor Roll for Outstanding Academic Achievement at Chula Vista High School.  She was also on the Women’s Junior Varsity Basketball team. Congratulations to Zetorah and her parents, Roger Vines and Wendy Brazil.


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Vines Keeling Stipend Fair – Art Achievement Award.

 This award goes to ninth grader, Zeporah Karena Vines. Zeporah is the 2nd great granddaughter of Cipual Vines and Lewis Keeling and Zeporah’s twin sister. Zeporah won the Arts award for her Visual Arts Award in recognition of excellence in Ceramics. In addition, Zeporah was on the Principal’s Honor Roll for Outstanding Academic Achievement at Chula Vista High School.  She was also on the Women’s Junior Varsity Basketball team and Varsity Track Team. Congratulations to Zeporah and her parents, Roger Vines and Wendy Brazil.

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Vines Keeling Stipend Fair – Art Achievement Award, Runner Up.

 This award goes to Anjanee Wyndier. Anjanee is the 3rd great granddaughter of Cipual Vines and Lewis Keeling. Anjanee is in the 9th grade and wants to be a doctor. She has wins this award through her activities in the Aims Program, “Doc is In” project, at the Long Beach Memorial Hospital. She was a participant in the diabetic workshop in her community.  Congratulations to Anjanee and her parent, Angela Vines.


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 Vines Keeling Stipend Fair – Sports Achievement Award.

 This award was won by Sterling Duron Vines. Sterling is the 2nd great grandson of Cipual Vines and Lewis Keeling. He is in the 11th grade at Chula Vista High School. He won this award for his achievements in Varsity basketball at Chula Vista, they are the Mesa League Co-Champions. Sterling is playing in a school sponsored league this summer. Congratulations to Sterling and his parents, Roger Vines and Wendy Brazil.



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Vines Keeling Stipend Fair – Sports Award – Runner up.

This award goes to Arthur Ramon Wyndier II. Arthur is the 3rd great grandson of Cipual Vines and Lewis Keeling. He is in the 3rd grade and an excellent student, academically and in sports. He won this award his participation in the Lueders Park 2003 “Tiny’s League and accomplishments as a outstanding shooting guard. Congratulations to Arthur and his parent, Angela Vines.



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Vines Keeling Stipend Fair – Special Projects Award.

 This award goes to Ariana Lanyette Myles. Ariana is the 3rd great granddaughter of Cipual Vines and Lewis Keeling. Ariana graduated from Burbank High School this year. She wins this award for her after school projects, including participation in Debutante Program, Burbank Royal Pageantry, and scholarships from Shirley A. Nelson Memorial and Eleanor Childers Vocation Scholarship. Ariana is also busy preparing for college. Congratulations to Ariana and her parents, Hobart and Gidget Burris.




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Vines Keeling Stipend Fair – Special Projects Award – Runner Up.

 This award goes to Unisha Wynder. She is the 3rd great granddaughter of Cipual Vines and Lewis Keeling. Unisha is in the 11th grade. She wins this award for her Varsity Basketball and Football Cheerleading achievements at the Long Beach Jordan Panthers.   Congratulations to Unisha and her parent, Angela Vines.



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