February 28, 2003
Hello to All;
I’m back! I hope everyone had a great holiday season and all the bills are paid off! Anyway, I want to provide you with the latest news on the upcoming 2003 Vines-Keeling Family Reunion. I am still excited and I hope you are still anticipating on being there in Los Angeles with the rest of us.
First, I must announce that Evelyn Carradine will not be our local hostess this year. For personal reasons, Evelyn did not have the bandwidth to continue with all the work required of her. So, as we move forward, please contact me with any questions or comments regarding this years’ reunion.
The dates of the 2003 Vines-Keeling Family Reunion are set for July 12 & 13, 2003. The Saturday Picnic will be held in Los Angeles, CA at the Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area in the Burke Roche Point (“Top of the Hill”). The picnic area is awesome and has fantastic views of downtown Los Angeles! It has restrooms, 22 eight foot tables, 2 sinks and stainless steel serving tables. It also has a children play area. This picnic area is accessible to the disabled and close to parking.
For those of you who are familiar with Los Angeles, the Kenneth Hahn Park is at 4100 S. La Cienega Blvd., between Stocker Street and Rodeo Rd., as you head north. There will be more detailed directions as we get closer to July 12th.
The cost for food and T-Shirts this year is as follows:
Adults = $35ea, Food Only = $22ea;
Children (under 12, toddlers & infants @ no cost) = $15ea, Food Only $5ea.
The menu will include the following: (Catered by Malakai’s Catering & Events, owned and operated by Lisa Jackson)
Pork Ribs
· BBQ Chicken
· Hot Links
· Cajun Rice
· Baked Beans
· Potato Salad
· Cole Slaw
· Macaroni & Cheese
· Collard Greens (seasoned w/Smoked Turkey)
· Cascading fruit platter
· Assorted chips
· Bread
· Drinks (Soda & Water)
That should be enough so everyone has plenty of food and drink.
activities for Saturday have not all been detailed, but you can expect
at least the following:
a) Fun Jump for the “chillun”
b) Family Tree Branch introductions;
c) Tug-of-war( we have a 50 foot long big rope);
d) Family Tree trivia contest;
e) Family Group Photo;
f) Family Tree Gallery;
g) Any of your ideas.
I will prepare a program for Saturday, July 12th as we get closer. In the meantime, if you have questions, concerns or ideas, please contact me.
as for Sunday, July 13th here is what I have so far. You may notice that this is a change from my
August letter. It was brought to my
attention that a picnic and banquet in one day was a bit much. I agreed.
Sunday will mainly consist of 1)
a family prayer, 2) brunch and 3) the recognition and awards for the Vines-Keeling
Family’s children. I will prepare a
program under a separate cover. The
following is the general format of the Vines-Keeling (V-K)“Stipend Fair”. We will start with five(5) categories:
a) Academics;
b) Vocation;
c) Arts;
d) Sports and
e) Special Projects.
The rules for the V-K Stipend Fair are as following:
1) Copies of official report cards must be received on or before June 20, 2003;
2) Academic performance is for the 2002/2003 school year;
3) Must be a descendant of Cipual Vines and/or Lewis Keeling;
4) In the event there is a tie, the award will be split among the top three (3) candidates;
5) Arts awards will be granted based upon a live display or recorded performance at the banquet;
6) Sports achievements will be demonstrated with the show of trophies/awards/certificates, etc; Pictures/copies are acceptable
7) Special Projects will need to be illustrated to the family attendees;
8) Art, Sports achievements and Special Projects will be judged by the popular vote of those in attendance. That means the candidate(s) with the most votes will be named as the winner and runner-up;
9) The Vocation award will need to be certified by the parents.
10) Candidates must be attendance to win;
11) Candidates will range from the 1st to 12th grade
V-K High School Achievement Award ….A $500 cash award to the 8th to 12th graders who has the highest GPA during the 2002/2003 academic year.
V-K English Award…..A $100 cash award to the 1st to 7th grader who has the highest English GPA.
V-K Science Award …. A $100 cash award to the 1st to 7th grader who has the highest Science GPA.
V-K Math Award…… A $100 cash award to the 1st to 7th graders who has the highest Math GPA
V-K Reading Award….. A $50 cash award to the 1st to 5th graders who has the highest Reading GPA.
V-K Computer Skills Award…..A $100 cash award to the 1st to 12th grader with the best showing in the following areas:
a) E-Mail usage Y/N
b) Number of websites visited ______
c) Spreadsheet (i.e MS Excel) Proficiency rate 1 to 10 ______
d) Percentage of homework done on PC _____%
e) Word Processor (i.e. MS Word) Proficiency rate 1 to 10 _______
f) File creation and retrieval skill rate 1 to 10 _______
g) Key board speed/proficiency approx WPM ________
h) Touch Pad speed/proficiency approx NPM _________
V-K Music/Dance/Arts Award……A $100 cash award to the 1st to 12th grader with the most popular show of artistic display. The runner-up will receive a $50 cash award.
V-K Sports Achievement Award…..A $100 cash award to the 1st to 12th
grader with the most documented recognition for individual acclaim. The runner-up will receive a $50 cash award.
Special Projects:
V-K Special Projects Award…..A $100 cash award to the 1st to 12th
grader with best special project. This
can include school(science, math, art, etc) or community programs like Boys
& Girls Clubs where the candidate has been recognized. This could also be the results of
participating in ones church.
Basically, if the candidate has something to share that does not fall
into any of the other categories, then this is the place for them to be
recognized by the V-K Award Program.
The runner-up will receive a $50 cash award
Well, I think you can see what we are trying to do here. Basically, the intent is to create an environment where our children can find support and encouragement to excel in their respective endeavors. Of course, the format will evolve over time with input from all of you.
Now, there is no mention of cost for the Sunday Banquet because we are still looking to find a space in a hotel or other facility. The cost(facility and food) will be spread among those who attend. So, the details will be coming under a separate cover.
That all said, I need some local help to pull both Saturday and Sunday off! For instance, we still need help in securing the following:
1) Hotel or other facility near the picnic area to hold the banquet on Sunday;
2) Fun Jump vendor, I have a list of 20+ possibilities. We need someone to pick the best vendor.
3) We want a photographer, preferably a family member, to take the wide angle family group photo;
4) We need to find a clown to paint faces, do balloon animals and lite magic for the children on Saturday, July 12th;
5) We also need about six(6) greeters on Saturday to register family and hand out T-Shirts. Training will be provide the morning of the Picnic!
Okay, I think that is all I have at this time. If I have left something out or you have questions please contact me. I can reached by phone or email. Of course, there
Love & Respect;
Charles Lee Vines
(530) 677-9349
P.S. I am still working through the legalities of setting up the Vines-Keeling Family Foundation. As it turns out, the banks want a formal charter and by-laws. I will keep you informed of my progress.